Mon Mar 9 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


WPS Report

March 4, 2009

Woodland Primary School
Board Report
From:  Jim Imhoff

February and March are busy months at Woodland Primary School.

On February 6, Margaret Deffenbaugh held the second Accelerated Reader Party in the library. Students earn points by reading AR books and passing the test on the book.  Three times each year, readers who have earned a set level of points are able to redeem them for items purchased with the proceeds from the annual Scholastic Book Sale.  Several students had earned over 100 points.

Early in February the Dental Van came to our site and provided care for over 60 of our students.  The program was so successful that a third day had to be scheduled later in the month.

Reading Is Fundamental visited WPS for the second of three times this year on February 12 and 13. Beth Kester hosted classes in the media center. Each student was able to select a book to take home, and many student assistants from the secondary levels came and read with our kids.

Valentine's Day was a big event on Friday, February 13. Parties were held in every classroom during the last 90 minutes of the day, with many parent helpers bringing treats. Students distributed Valentine messages to classmates to practice writing skills.

First grade celebrated the 100th Day of School on February 17. Counting to 100 was the theme for the day, as well as finding applications for using the number.

Dr. Seuss's Birthday was celebrated on March 2nd. Student mentors and guest readers went to classrooms to help students enjoy these famous stories.

During the month of March, the library will feature student Puppet Performances. Students perform a story before an audience, and learn to speak with expression and to act in front of a group.

Woodland Fire Rescue and DNR members held assemblies for 1st grade classes that featured the lessons of Smokey the Bear on the afternoon of March 3. It was a good opportunity for students to have fire safety messages regarding matches reinforced.

Finally, March parent conferences will be held from the 24th to the 28th, with evening conferences available on the 25th. All parents are welcome, although teachers focus on scheduling conferences with parents of students who could use a boost for success in the third trimester of the year.

Mark Houk is mending after a second surgery on February 24. Some further repair was done on the first site, and another incision was made higher up on his back to repair a second problem found following his first surgery.  Mark reports that the pain in his leg seems to be gone and he's optimistic that he will be back after spring break.