Thu Mar 23 2023, 6:15pm
WHS Room 1204
Regular Meeting


Public Records Transparency Report

Policy 6030 states that a quarterly list of all public records requests is presented to the board for review; below is the list.

Requestor Date Received Request

PRR Number Assigned


Woodland Citizens for Schools 1/11/2023 Electronic lists, by school, in CDF or MS Excel format that will include all current students (unless parents have requested that directory information not be released). I would like each student's name, home address, and telephone number. (Procedure 3231P) 2023-01
Kyla Keefer 1/17/2023 Electronic list of students and mailing addresses, including parent names 2023-02 Parent names withheld per FERPA
Jennifer Tackett 1/18/2023 WHS Parking lot camera footage of her student's car accident. 2023-03
Jenny Barton 1/20/2023 Annual amount Woodland receives from the state and federal government and a copy of the district budget 2023-04
US Bureau of Labor 2/16/2023 2022 Total Expenditure for State Unemployment Insurance and Workers Compensation / L&I and total number of eligible employees for 2022 (so maybe the number of W-2 forms filed.) 2023-05
Catalyst Financial Group
For all employees of Woodland School District, could you please provide me with the following information?
For-profit company so denied under RCW 42.56.070(8)
- Name
- Position/Title
- Years of Service in the District
- Years of Service in the State
- Building/Location
- District Email Address
- Personal Phone Number
- Personal Email Address
- Salary
Lower Columbia College 3/6/2023 WHS Student list including name, grade level, mailing address and email address 2023-07