Thu Jul 28 2022, 6:15pm
WHS Room 1204
Regular Meeting


Resolution 22-06—Capital Projects Fund Budget Extension

Each year when the budget is approved the board sets a level of expenditures (appropriation) for each fund.  Sometimes there are unforeseen expenditures and a budget extension is required. The current Capital Projects Fund appropriation is $700,000.  This summer we are spending ESSER III funds to improve the district HVAC systems, so the CPF appropriation needs to be increased to cover these expenditures.  There are offsetting revenues, so this will not affect the ending fund balance.
Attached is the official report from the system (F-200) that is submitted to the ESD for approval and then to OSPI for approval as well.  The board is required to approve a resolution, which is also attached.
Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ "I move we adopt resolution 22-06 as presented."
Attached Files:
CPF Budget Extension Report.pdf application/pdf 242.8K
Resolution 22-06.pdf application/pdf 65.6K