Mon Mar 9 2015, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


LRA Report

RE Lewis River Academy


Enrollment Continues to Grow:

After a summer of recruiting, we saw a modest increase in our enrollment at LRA. And now with absolutely zero advertising, we have had one of our largest enrollment increases in our history, at mid-year! Since January, 20 new students have enrolled, bumping us up over 70 students in our program. In light of the increase, we hired Teri Retter full time as our instructional assistant. We could have no better support than from an advocate who has been with us from the start. She was one our first parents to enroll children in our program. Since that time, she has assisted us in many ways. Her professionalism, skills, and understanding of our program are simply a gift. 


Upcoming No Host Field Trips: 

Our families often coordinate field trips together. This year we have three major trips coming up. We invite you to join any one of these and get to know our families and students.


April 17th: Pompeii Field Trip at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle

April 22nd: State Capitol Tour in Olympia

Late May: Mariner's Weather Day Presentation