Mon Aug 27 2012, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Approval of Interlocal Agreement for Fir Grove School (Vancouver PS)

To:       Michael Green                     

From: Deb Kernen

Date:  8/21/2012

Re:      Fir Grove Contract

We have been part of the Interdistrict Cooperative with Vancouver School District for many years.  They provide us access to Fir Grove placements for students with severe emotional/behavioral disabilities.  This contract has an estimated cost of  $27,055 per student.   We currently have 2 students placed in this program.

We will submit for safety net funding again this year to help offset these costs.  I recommend we continue contracting for these services as they cover very important placement options for our most severely behavior disabled students that we don't have the capacity to serve in our district.

Attached Files:
Fir Grove Agreement.pdf application/pdf 2B