Mon Jan 25 2010, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Resolution 2533-Declaring Support for 2010-2011 NBCT Leadership Grant Application

Nationally Board Certified Teacher, Shari Condit is applying for a $5000 grant to help support the National Board Certification of Teachers.  One of the factors for scoring the grant is in the area of sustainability.  It is important that she be able to present a strong statement of administrative support for this grant.   I suggested to her that the board approve a resolution declaring htat support.   The proposed resolution is included with this agenda item.  As well, the grant information document is attached. 
Attached Files:
NBCT_Leadership_Grant_FINAL_RFP_2010_01.pdf application/octect-stream 48B
Resolution 2533.pdf application/octect-stream 33B