Wed Oct 14 2020, 6:15pm
Via Zoom Video Webinar and Telephone
Regular Meeting


    1. Please approve pcard payment to US Bank for transactions on the October 2020 statement not to exceed $238,988.23.
    2. Please approve Capital Project Fund warrant number 6716 in the amount of $143,863.07.
    3. Please approve Trust Fund warrant numbers 7292-7293 in the amount of $4,500.00.
    4. Please approve General Fund warrant numbers 164818-164844 in the amount of $136,254.81.
    5. Please approve General Fund warrant numbers 164845-164853 in the amount of $47,281.24.
    1. Please approve payroll warrants 164779-164808 in the amount of $574,627.53, as well as payroll ACH transactions in the amount of $2,305,303.89. Total for September 2020 payroll is $2,879,931.42
      1. Please approve the out of endorsement assignment of McKenna Rinta at Lewis River Academy for Math and Science.
      2. Please approve the hire of Clare Eldridge for (JobID: 2669) Long-Term Kindergarten Substitute Teacher at Columbia Elementary start date of October 5, 2020.
      3. Please approve the hire of Hannah Martell for (JobID: 2674) Long-Term 3rd Grade Substitute Teacher, at Columbia Elementary start date of October 9, 2020.
      4. Please approve the hire of Kim Heidgerken for (JobID: 2677) Long-Term, Part-Time Grades K-4 Substitute Teacher for Lewis River Academy starting October 12, 2020.
      1. Please approve the addition of one hour per day for Esmeralda Franco (JobID: 2667) Translator.
      2. Please approve the hire of Brynn Gonzalez for (JobID: 1603) Diverse Support Instructional Assistant, at Woodland Middle School with the start date of October 5, 2020.
      3. Please approve the hire of Natasha Passanisi for (JobID: 1603) Diverse Support Instructional Assistant, at Woodland Middle School with a start date TBD.
      4. Please approve the resignation of John McCarty, KWRL bus driver, as of September 29, 2020. (Family Responsibilities)
      5. Please approve the hire of Kristie Falvey, KWRL Bus Driver, as of October 1, 2020.
      6. Please approve the hire of Nicholas Ramponi, KWRL Bus Driver, as of October 1, 2020.
      7. Please approve the hire of Shauna Baker, KWRL Bus Driver, as of October 1, 2020.
      8. Please approve the hire of Romeel Mooshabady, KWRL Bus Driver, as of October 1, 2020.
      9. Please approve the internal hire of Sonya Messina for (JobID: 2635) Resource Room at North Fork Elementary one year leave replacement starting October 12, 2020.
      10. Please approve the internal hire of Patricia Napper for (JobID: 2636) Diverse Support Instructional Assistant at North Fork Elementary, with a start date of October 19, 2020.
      11. Please approve the hire of Steve Mauldin for (JobID: 2636) Diverse Support Instructional Assistant at North Fork Elementary.
      12. Please approve the resignation of Thomas Parker, bus driver at KWRL, as of October 7, 2020. (Health/Other Employment)
  5. OTHER
    1. Please approve minutes from September 28th Regular Meeting of the Board